Reporting STP Over the Holidays

Are you preparing your business to shut down over the holiday season? Well, it’s not just the out of office emails you need to worry about. Business owners need to be aware of Single Touch Payroll (STP) lodgements before you kick back and enjoy the time off.

If your business reports through STP, by law, you need to lodge this information on or before each payday. But if you’re shutting the company down for a few weeks, and there’s no one to attend to the normal STP upload, then there are a few options for you.

You can submit multiple pay runs before you close down if one or more fall on a closed business day. Or, if this doesn’t suit you, there is the option to report once you’re back by applying for an ‘operational deferral’ to push back the due date of your STP report.

You can do this via the Business Portal, or we can help you by contacting us here.

